Bring capoeira to your school


What Is Capoeira?

A unique sport that connects mind, body and soul through movement, martial arts, acrobatics, music, dance and games. Capoeira is the 7th deadliest martial art form in the world but practised in a non-violent and non-combative style that focuses on escape rather than subduing an opponent. In Capoeira there are no winners or losers. It is a game that is played, not fought, through an intricate exchange of circular and straight kicks, escapes, sweeps, take-downs, and acrobatic flourishes. Best of all, Capoeira is the only sport in which gender doesn't matter.

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  • “Capoeira is quite a unique martial art. It has dance, music, acrobatics. Dhruv and Soham used to be very shy but have now become very confident.”
    Samar & Vyoma Chauhan
  • “Savya was asked to join Capoeira by his teachers so he could get physically fit. The advice, turned out to be the best change in his life.”
    Kajri Seth
  • Capoeira is really fun to do and you learn new things in every class.
    Playing capoeira for 3 years
  • I've learnt to escape so if someone's trying to mug me I know how to save myself.
    Playing capoeira for 2 years
  • It makes you much more aware of your surroundings, you become stronger and more flexible.
    Rupsha Mitra
    Playing capoeira for 5 years
  • Capoeira is more fun than the sports I play in school. It will make me as fearless as Wonder Woman and as flexible as Black Widow.
    Aaria, 9
    Playing capoeira for 5 years