Monitor Choco

This is Monitor Choco, originally called Moshe Massah. He was Professor Baba's first capoeira student in India, before taking a break to discover himself. He's been back in capoeira for six years now and yes, he has found himself in capoeira.

A naturally gifted athlete and football lover, Choco has the kind of physique that brings people to capoeira. (Just search for hot, shirtless guys on Instagram to know what we mean.) But beefcake isn't all Choco is. He also has a sense of humour that can slay.

After capoeira, Choco loves playing football and video games because he believes they help him in quick thinking and quick decision making. And he recommends these hobbies to others too, only partly because he wants partners to play with but we didn't say that.

What Choco loves is seeing people around him smile. And hogging the limelight is not his scene. He believes his body is his temple and home – the only thing in this whole world that no one can own but him – and he will do everything possible to keep his home protected and in the best shape possible.

He has idols he looks up to. Like himself. And his dad. And Professor Baba. And his aunt and our central pillar, Aparna Massah. And his friends and capoeira partners – Instrutor Cabeça, Instrutor Capitão, Minitora Pimenta, and Minitor Carneiro. Above everyone though (yes, even above himself), his idol is Cristiano Ronaldo for his hard work that has made him the best player in the world, according to Choco. When you meet Choco, you will not speak of Messi.

Choco lives and breathes by two mottos: "Capoeira is not what I do, it is who I am," and "Throw me to the wolves and I'll return as the leader of the pack." The joy he gets from capoeira is knowing that the future will see Team CDO India as pioneers of capoeira in India and that he is one of the leading practitioners of the most unique art form in India.